Our affiliate program

You’re interested in becoming an affiliate of Just Eat? On this page, you’ll find everything about our affiliate program and how to sign up for it.

Why become an affiliate with Just Eat?

  • You’ll be able to connect your business to the market leading online food delivery marketplace in Switzerland.
  • Just Eat has more than 3000 connected restaurants, so your audience has a wider choice and able to order from almost anywhere in Switzerland.
  • Earn commission on web and app orders as well as app- installs.
Sign up now!

How do I become an affiliate?

Do you own a website/app? Then you could become an affiliate with Just Eat. We operate our affiliate program through the affiliate marketing network AWIN. Becoming a Just Eat affiliate is easy. Just follow the steps below:

Step 1

Sign up on AWIN using *this link

Step 2

AWIN verifies your application

Step 3

Apply to Just Eat program within AWIN

Step 4

Just Eat reviews your application

Step 5

If approved, you become an affiliate

*Restaurants are excluded for participation in the affiliate program. Click here to join Just Eat as a restaurant partner.

Our affiliate program in a nutshell

Commission Structure

  • Under 100 app + web orders/month - 3% of the order value*
  • Above 100 app + web orders/month – 4% of the order value*
  • App install - 3 CHF only if a valid order is placed within 7 days of installing the app

*Commissions are paid on the order value excluding VAT / sales tax / service charge / delivery charges / credit card fees

Cookie Period

The cookie duration for our affiliate program is 7 days.

There is 1 universal tracking link for app orders, web orders and installs available to publishers (Exception - discount code partners. App Tracking is not available for discount code partners yet).


All campaign performance metrics can be viewed on the AWIN platform on a real-time basis.Furthermore the exact commission group overview is also available

  • NEW = New customer via web
  • RETURNING = Returning customer via web
  • INSTALL = App Install
  • INAPP-SALE = Order made via our app
Sign up now!

Do you want to know more about our affiliate program? Please refer to our frequently asked questions (FAQs) below.

Frequently asked questions

How do I sign up for the affiliate partner program?

Just Eat operates its affiliate program through the affiliate marketing network-AWIN. This means that you would need to sign up on the AWIN platform as a publisher. You can sign up here.

Can anyone sign up for the affiliate partner program?

If you own a website, you can apply to our affiliate program. Restaurants are excluded from participation in our affiliate program. Click here to join Just Eat as a restaurant partner.

Can I register multiple websites?

Yes, that is possible. You can mention all your websites under your publisher account when you sign up on AWIN.

Can I register with a social media account only?

We prefer promotions on social media if you have your own website. However, if we see the added value of your promotions through social media, we are willing to consider it.

What is the cookie duration?

The cookie duration is 7 days.

Why was my application rejected by Just Eat?

This can be due to various reasons such as:

  • Your website is under construction, so we cannot decide on your website;
  • We believe that we are not a good fit for your website;
  • You are an affiliate network, media buyer, plug-in, or extension. These are not the kinds of co-operations that we wish to include in our affiliate program;
  • You want to promote our service on a voucher code website (we prefer only limited co-operations in this category).

Can I apply for affiliate programs in multiple countries?

Yes, that is possible but only if your platform (website/app) covers all the below mentioned countries as well. Once you sign up as a publisher with AWIN, you can apply to our affiliate program across 6 countries (The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland and Poland) and manage them under one AWIN account.

Can I apply for the Just Eat affiliate programs?

The merging of the two companies is currently in progress therefore we cannot provide the exact details for applying for the Just Eat affiliate programs.

How often are the orders validated?

We make every effort to validate orders once per week.

What information is shared on the reporting?

Campaign performance can be viewed on the AWIN platform on a real-time basis. Standard metrics available are:

  • Number of click
  • Earnings per click
  • Conversion rate
  • Number of transactions
  • Order value
  • Commission earned

In addition, you can view more detailed performances on the AWIN platform. For example, performance based on creatives, devices and others, across various time frames.

Can I find an overview of the exact commission groups within the AWIN dashboard?

Yes, under the report tab you will find the commission group overview containing the new customers, returning customers, installs and in-app-sales.

When will I receive the commission?

The commission is paid out twice a month. This goes for all approved web and app orders* and installs** and payment will be made through AWIN:

  • on the 1st of the month. If the 1st is not a working day, then payment is made on the first working day after the 1st.
  • on the 15th of the month. If the 15th is not a working day, then payment is made on the first working day after the 15th.

* Minimum commission amount required for making a payout is 20 EUR
** Only if a valid order is placed within 7 days of installing the app

Do I need to send an invoice for the commission?

Just Eat and AWIN don’t require invoices; your commission will be paid to you through AWIN.

What are the program terms and conditions?

You can find all the details regarding our program terms and conditions through the following link: Program Terms

Is Search Engine Advertising allowed?

  • We do not allow search engine advertising on our brand name Just Eat or any combinations or misspellings of it.
  • It is not allowed to include the name Just Eat, combinations and/or misspellings in the ad title or ad text.

Further details are available under our program terms and conditions on the AWIN Platform. You can view those here: PPC Terms

Does the cart cookie freeze apply to me?

The cart cookie freeze is applicable on the checkout page and is only applicable for voucher code publishers.

What promotional material is available?

On becoming a publisher on the Just Eat campaign, you have access to all promotional material such as:

  • Text links
  • Static banners
  • HTML banners
  • Data Feeds

You can also find documentation on the AWIN Platform for integrating the promotional material. In case you have special requests for any promotional material, please send a request to AWIN at [email protected].

Is it possible to set up exclusive promotions/out of the box co-operations?

Sure, we are open to that. If you have a good idea for an exclusive promotion/cooperation, please send the proposal for review to us or AWIN.

Do conversions via the Just Eat app count?

No, the orders placed directly in the app will not be allotted to affiliates. However, if an order is placed via the affiliate platform(website/app) and converts within the Just Eat app, then the order is counted as an affiliate order. In short, the right tracking needs to be there behind the app order to be allocated to the affiliate channel.

If the Just Eat app is uninstalled and then reinstalled, does this count as a valid install?

No, these installs are not considered as new installs. Only when an install is made for the very first time, then it is considered a new install.

Can I start promoting both app and web orders within the same campaign?

Yes, that is possible. Once you sign up as a publisher with AWIN, and your application has been approved you can use 1 universal tracking link for both app and web orders.

Does one tracking link work for tracking both app and web orders?

Yes, we use 1 universal link that will track web orders, app orders and installs.

Where can I find the tracking link in order to start promoting Just Eat?

Within the AWIN dashboard you will find under the tab toolbox--> ‘my creatives’, you click on that and then you will find ‘text links’ and the tracking link is placed there.

Does the tracking link work if I have my own app (app-to-app tracking)?

Yes the tracking link can be implemented on your app and will track orders and installs.

What is the behaviour of the universal tracking link?

The nature of the universal tracking link is based on the entry point of the end user. So looking at the below example:

  • If a user clicks on an affiliate link from a mobile device and doesn’t have the app installed -> then the link will bring you to the app store/play store.
  • If a user clicks on an affiliate link from a web browser -> then the link will bring you to the Just Eat website.
  • If a user clicks on an affiliate link from a mobile device which has the app already installed -> then the link will bring you into the Just Eat app.

Is there a separate link for voucher publishers?

Yes. We do not offer the app tracking possibility for voucher publishers yet, so the web tracking link is to be used and this is available on AWIN (if you are a voucher publisher, you will see only the link that you can use).

More questions?

For further queries related to:

Program terms & conditions
and commission structure

Please email us at [email protected].

Signing up, commission payments, promotional material integration and reporting

Please email AWIN at [email protected].